Saturday, November 6, 2010

From the white party we have attended at Club Sibeeria.. One night I truly remember since I was able to survive new companies I never thought I would be comfortable of more than other friends I used to be hanging out with.

dined at Mushu, and partied at Club Sibeeria!

Friday, November 5, 2010

This is one of my fave dresses! I kinda like wearing florals it makes me look sweeter.. might as well just feeling sweet! haha I'm always comfortable wearing wedge, it doesn't hurt my toes!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Im no getting any younger!

I turned 20 a month ago, exactly 2 weeks and 2 days ago and i realized that time flies so fast. I was once a little girl who dreams nothing but to have the time to play with my Barbie and her doll house. Then I grew up, my interests change constantly like I was just changing my shirt now and then. I eventually fell in love with myself. i wanted to look good, to be better than any b*tches around me..(mean! but true)..

So now, I have decided to create this blog to be a storyline of my everyday fashion world and my dearest friends who share the same interest with me!

1. on my 20th!